Credits and legal notice



Publication management
From 2015: Olivier Mantei
2007-2015: Jérôme Deschamps, Olivier Mantei

Website coordination
Juliette Chevalier
Laure Salefranque
Juliette Tissot-Vidal

English translation
Philipe Sicard
Anabel Dagnot

Website design/ graphics
2021-2024 : Propal / Datagif
2016-2021 : Gaya
2013-2015 : Louis 21 / Netquarks

2015-2019 : Inconito
2007-2015 : les designers anonymes

2020, 2021, 2022 seasons: Julia Lamoureux
2017, 2018, 2019 season: Matthieu Fappani
2014-2015 season: les designers anonymes
2012-2014 season: Guillaume Dégé
2007-2012 season: Jean-Ignace-Isidore Gérard dit Jean-Jacques Grandville

From 2015: David Nove-Josserand
2013-2015 season: Charles Mignon
2008-2013 season: Simon Wallon

les designers anonymes, Réunion des Musées nationaux, Elisabeth Carecchio, Pierre Grosbois, Stefan Brion, Vincent Pontet, Quentin Croisard, Opéra Comique

Photo of stage curtain by Alwyne de Dardel

All texts, videos and photographs published on this site are the property of the Opéra Comique or of third parties for which rights are reserved and may not be used without authorization.

Any performance or complete or partial reproduction without prior consent from its author or her/his rights holders is prohibited (Article L 122-4 of the intellectual property code).

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General terms and conditions

Tickets can neither be returned not refunded. A paid service of exchange (10€) is available up to 48 hours before to the performance within the limits of availability. Tickets can be delivered by mail up to 10 days before the show’s date. Beyond this date, tickets booked by phone or on our website are to be collected 45mn before the performance, at the ticket counter in the theatre lobby. Please check your ticket on reception: no claims, regarding date, show or price errors, shall be taken into consideration at a later date. The resale of a ticket at a higher price that the one appearing on it is forbidden (Law article 27th June 1919). The show starts at a specific time: Access to latecomers may be refused or subject to certain conditions, depending on the show and the concert hall. (Find out more at the ticket office). If the show needs to be interrupted during the second half, no refund will be paid. The Opera House’s direction may have to modify the programme or the distribution of roles. In such case, tickets will neither be exchanged nor refunded. In the event that a performance is cancelled by the Opéra Comique, except in cases of force-majeur, which expressly includes the requisition of the Opéra Comique for any reason by any public authority, and in case of national strike, the face value of the ticket as paid by the client, will be reimbursed by the Opéra Comique at the client’s request on condition that such a request is made within a maximum of two months following the date of the performance in question. Refunds will only be made on presentation of the complete ticket and bank details (RIB for French banks), excluding any other compensation or indemnity. E-tickets which haven’t been pre-printed will be issued at the ticket counter and subject to a handling fee (3€/ticket). Discount rates are not applicable to flat rate shows and are subject to availability, on presentation of a valid document.

Conditions of reception of the public (gauge, distancing, flow, opening hours, health control) may be modified depending on developments in regulations and on the health crisis. The sanitary pass was implemented on 19th July 2021 for an unlimited period. Any spectator having bought a ticket after this date and unable to present a valid sanitary pass as of 1st September, will not be refunded.

Telephone +33 (0)1 70 23 01 31
Box office Place Boieldieu – 75002 Paris