65, 52, 43, 32, 25, 20, 12, 6 €

Le Bourgeois gentilhomme

Molière / Jean-Baptiste Lully

28 September au 8 October 2020

65, 52, 43, 32, 25, 20, 12, 6 € Price
Le Bourgeois gentilhomme

Illustration : ©️ Julia Lamoureux


Jérôme Deschamps, who conceived the whole performance, brings humanity and poetry to Jourdain’s gentle dreamer. Marc Minkowski and the Musiciens du Louvre make this festive score gleam.

Bande annonce du Bourgeois gentilhomme
Interview de Jérôme Deschamps
Bande annonce du Bourgeois gentilhomme

Mr. Jourdain’s studying arts and good manners, believing it’s never too late to learn and climb the social ladder. But he is doomed to be deceived as he is made to believe he’s marrying his daughter to the Grand Duke’s heir.

At the center of Molière and Lully’s last ‘Comédie-Ballet’, this bourgeois who dreams about becoming a nobleman put a grin on Louis XIV’s face. “This is what true comedy is about, healthy and helpful jokes”, thanked the monarch.
This work of art prefigures the art of opera, combining chant and dance with the dramatic plot with the greatest talent.

Jérôme Deschamps, who conceived the whole performance, brings humanity and poetry to Jourdain’s gentle dreamer. Marc Minkowski and the Musiciens du Louvre make this festive score gleam.

‘Comédie-ballet’ in five acts. Created at the Château de Chambord in 1670

Samedi 3 octobre à 15h

This show is a RELAX performance

It offers a caring and laid-back environment for people whose disability (autism, multiple disabilities, mental or psychic disability, Alzheimer…) may give rise to atypical and unpredictable behaviour during the show. The opera-house’ standard procedures are more flexible and everyone can experience emotions freely without fearing stares from others.

Stage direction Jérôme Deschamps • Musical direction Marc Minkowski / Thibault Noally • Orchestra Les Musiciens du Louvre


See all the cast

3h - Salle Favart
65, 52, 43, 32, 25, 20, 12, 6 €
Spectacle en français, surtitré en français et anglais

Audio description

Some operas are available in audio description. "Image whisperers” are also available on demand.
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Some operas are available in audio description. "Image whisperers” are also available on demand.
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16 seats are dedicated to people with reduced mobility, on reservation at the box office or by phone. Access to the lift is located 5 rue Favart
+33 1 70 23 01 44 | accessibilite@opera-comique.com

16 seats are dedicated to people with reduced mobility, on reservation at the box office or by phone. Access to the lift is located 5 rue Favart
+33 1 70 23 01 44 | accessibilite@opera-comique.com

À partir de 10 ans


Stage direction Jérôme Deschamps

Musical direction Marc Minkowski (28, 29, 30 septembre, 1er et 2 octobre) / Thibault Noally (2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 octobre)

Decors Félix Deschamps

Costumes Vanessa Sannino

Choregraphy Natalie van Parys

Lights François Menou

Staging assistant Sophie Bricaire, Damien Lefèvre

Perruques Cécile Kretschmar

Accessories Sylvie Châtillon

Decors assistant Isabelle Neveux

Costumes assistant Karelle Durand

Chief of costumes atelier Lucie Lecarpentier

Tecnic direction Florent Pellen

Vocal coach Ayumi Nakagawa, Lisandro Nesis


Lucile Flore Babled (28, 29, 30 septembre et 1, 2, 8 octobre), Pauline Gardel (les 3, 5, 6, 7 octobre)

Le Maître de Philosophie Jean-Claude Bolle Reddat

Le Maître de musique, le Tailleur Sébastien Boudrot

Covielle, le Maître d’armes Vincent Debost

Monsieur Jourdain Jérôme Deschamps

Dorimène Pauline Deshons (les 28, 29, 30 septembre et 1, 2 octobre), Bénédicte Choisnet (les 3, 5, 6, 7 octobre)

Cléonte Aurélien Gabrielli

Dorante, le Maître de danse Guillaume Laloux

Madame Jourdain Josiane Stoleru

Nicole Pauline Tricot

Singers Natalie Pérez (mezzo-soprano), Paco Garcia (haute-contre), Lisandro Nesis (ténor), Jérôme Varnier (basse)

Dancers Anna Chirescu, Pierre Guilbault, Maya Kawatake Pinon, Antonin Vanlangendonck


Orchestra Les Musiciens du Louvre / L’Académie des Musiciens du Louvre, en partenariat avec le Jeune Orchestre de l’Abbaye et le CRR de Paris

Thank's to Richard Peduzzi

Production Compagnie Jérôme Deschamps

Coproduction Printemps des Comédiens–Montpellier, Opéra Comique, Opéra National de Bordeaux, Opéra Royal–Château de Versailles Spectacles, Les Musiciens du Louvre, Célestins– Théâtre de Lyon, Théâtre de Caen, Comédie de Clermont-Ferrand-scène nationale

La Compagnie Jérôme Deschamps est soutenue par le Ministère de la Culture. Les Musiciens du Louvre sont subventionnés par la Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, le Ministère de la Culture (DRAC Auvergne Rhône-Alpes). Ce spectacle a bénéficié du soutien de la Spedidam et de la Région Ile-de-France


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